dissabte, 20 de setembre del 2014

Reunió 25.09.2014, 18h.

Hello everyone!

It's been a long time since we haven't posted anything! But as you know, we teachers also need our summer break! 
We are here to tell you that we all hope you've spent a great summer on the beach, mountains or abroad. But it's almost October now, so we have to prepare for this year's English lessons! 
Anyway, we have some pretty big news since we've worked on many projects in order to improve our school. If you're interested in knowing what we're up to, please come to our meeting next Thursday, September 25, at 6pm.

We all are looking forward to seeing you.
We'll be waiting,

Hola a tots!

Ha passat molt de temps des de que no hem publicat al blog o ens hem posat en contacte amb vosaltres. Però com ja sabeu, nosaltres els professors també necessitem les nostres vacances d'estiu.
Estem aquí per dir-vos que esperem que hàgiu passat un bon estiu a la platja, a la muntanya o a l'estranger. Però ara que és quasi Octubre, ens hem de preparar per les classes d'anglès.
Tenim unes notícies molt importants, ja que hem treballat molt en uns quants projectes  per millorar la nostra escola d'anglès en general. Si esteu interessats en saber en què consisteixen aquests canvis, esteu convidats a venir a la nostra reunió el Dijous vinent, Setembre 25, a les 18 hores. 

Us hi esperem amb moltes ganes!

dimarts, 1 de juliol del 2014

Such nice moments and students need to be remembered!

We all wish you a great summer full of beautiful and good moments! Don't forget us, because we won't forget you! 

Best wishes,

dissabte, 24 de maig del 2014

Guess how much I love you!

Hello everyone!

Guess how much I love my students! They are the reason why I love so much my job.
Take a look at the stories we are studying at the moment. They are as cute as my big babies!

First of all, we have the story of Little Red Riding Hood (Grimm's version). I must say that the one in the video is a bit more complicated than the one we read in class! Anyway, they love them both!

And, secondly, we have the story Guess how much I love you written by Sam McBratney. They really love reading it since we have the pop-up book version. Take a look, it is an amazingly cute story! 

Here you have some photos from last week! They are working on Little Red Riding Hood worksheet. I bet they enjoyed it a lot! 

That's all for now!
See you soon,

dimarts, 20 de maig del 2014

A gift for a friend!

Benvolguts pares:

Amic invisible

Avui els vostres fills han rebut unes cartes per l'activitat que realitzarem al final de curs. Es tracta de l'Amic Invisible, una idea que he proposat jo i als nens els ha encantat! Normalment, aquest joc és lliure, ja que els nens han d'escollir què regalar als seus companys. En el nostre cas, però, els he donat unes quantes pautes a seguir, ja que els regals sempre han d'estar relacionats amb la llengua que estem estudiant.

Les cartes

Els nens han escollit les cartes a l'atzar, de manera que el nom que apareix en elles està escrit posteriorment. En cada una d'elles podeu observar les tres característiques essencials escrites en anglès. El primer que han de fer els nens a casa és traduir-les, perquè puguin entendre el que han de fer. Són lliures a CREAR el seu regal, sempre tenint en compte els tres punts a seguir relacionats amb la cultura angloamericana. Aquest, NO es pot comprar, ja que els nens han de fer ús de la seva imaginació creant alguna cosa amb material que puguin trobar per casa (cartolina, colors, plastilina, etc.).

Per a quan és?

Per fer una activitat similar, sempre s'ha d'avisar amb temps perquè els nens puguin trobar els seus propis recursos. El que és important saber és que, ells no sabran fins al final per a qui serà el regal que estan creant. Està organitzat d'aquesta manera per no córrer el perill que s'ho diguin entre ells i el joc perdi la seva gràcia. El repartiment de noms es realitzarà de la mateixa manera que les cartes- a l'atzar.
Està previst intercanviar els regals els dies 2 i 3 del mes de juny, és a dir, d'aquí dues setmanes.

Us dono aquesta informació perquè els pugueu ajudar en cas de dubte o dificultat. Podeu contactar amb mi al meu e-mail: ivananicolaevaboyanska@gmail.com .

Moltes gràcies,


dijous, 15 de maig del 2014

What time is it?

Hello, everyone!

What time is it? This is the question I have repeated most these last two weeks. I hope we can get through this topic as quickly as possible in order to finish our book as well as our 3rd term dossier.

This week I received some bad news. Emma is sick and she's not coming to school for about ten days, which is a lot. We all were really sorry to hear that, so we decided to do a little something in order to cheer her up! Hope you get back sooner, Emma! Lots of kisses and hugs from all of us; we really missed you on Tuesday!

That's all for now, you'll hear from me again soon, since I have some news about the little ones too!
See you soon,

dimecres, 7 de maig del 2014

Casal d'Estiu: Neverland!

As you already may know, l'Escola Bressol Colorins is organising a Casal d'Estiu for all boys and girls from 3 to 12 years old. We encourage you to come and have fun with us!

See you! Bye!

dimecres, 23 d’abril del 2014

Happy faces!

Hello everyone!

Yesterday was our first day after the break! We had some time to chill out and here we are again, with a lot of energy and positivism. We also introduced some new topics such as emotions

and food
Here you can see our drawings. Can you guess which is the first fruit we learned? WATERMELON!

We did the same with my older students! With a lot of energy and passion, we  finished the second chapter of The Big Story by John Escott. We learned a lot of new vocabulary which they have already written down in their gorgeous dictionaries. Give it a try and ask them what do gun, upstairs, to lock, ski and to be asleep mean! I'm sure they'll remember them all!

See you soon,

dissabte, 19 d’abril del 2014

More of Easter

Hello everyone!

When I showed my students some information and images about my Easter tradition, they seemed to be very interested in the topic. That's why we came up with the idea of coloring our own Easter eggs (two weeks ago) and doing some interesting activities such as readings and word games related to Easter.
Anyway, one day they all asked me to show them some eggs of mine but, of course, I didn't have them yet. Now that I have finished I wanted to share it with them. I hope they'll get inspired and make some of their own, now that they have free time and energy to have fun doing their favorite activities.

So, this is how it all started. 

And this is how things ended up!

That's all for now!
Happy Easter and See you soon,

dimarts, 15 d’abril del 2014

3rd term

Hello everyone!

3rd term is already here! I can't believe how fast time is getting away. Anyway, we'll have time to be sad at the end of the school year, meanwhile, we'll continue having fun as well as learning as much as possible.

Nowadays everything has it's own price, right? Or, maybe, not. Let me explain you: in my opinion, knowledge cannot be measured since it has no limits. What we're about to do is purely metaphorical: we'll collect some money while playing vocabulary and grammar games in order to get to know how much we've learnt. Will they have enough money to go away for the summer or to buy something they really want? It is all on them, since only their effort will be able to raise the amount of money they have in their pockets! I will keep you in touch.

See you soon,

dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2014

Easter cards and more!

Hello, again!

I know it's been a day since I last updated our blog! But you should definitely see how fun it was yesterday with my babies who, by the way, are so cute, I would eat them all for breakfast. Just love them!
Well, as you can see, we made some precious Easter cards which they were able to take at home, so I guess you already have them! Anyway, it's not about the cards but their happiness! I can only be glad to have such nice students! Take a look.

And finally, here's something else about the big ones! I know I dedicated them a post yesterday, but I couldn't blow off the surprise! The thing is that I decided they deserved a present which could remind them of me and the great time we are having at our English school and, in my opinion, the most appropriate one was a bookmark- I mean, it is useful, nice and motivating. We all know how important reading is! I hope they like them and will certainly get to use them. (Better if the books are in English!).

That's all for now!
See you soon,

dilluns, 7 d’abril del 2014

Easter is here! (2014)

Hello everybody!

I bet all of you are expecting photos of our special pieces of art, since that is what our students created this afternoon. Here you have some - take a look and you'll see how fun it was! 

Oh, my! It was a big day even for the teachers- you can't even imagine how hard it is to clean up after having coloured our Easter Eggs.

After all, it was worth it! :) 
See you soon,